Camera FV - 5 v2.33 APK

Camera FV - 5 v2.33 APK

Camera FV - 5 v2.33 APK
Camera FV - 5 v2.33 APK
Camera FV - 5 v2.33 APK

camera FV - 5 is a professional camera application for mobile devices, that puts DSLR -like manual controls in your fingertips
Camera FV - 5 v2.33 APK
Camera FV - 5 v2.33 APK

Camera FV - 5
tailored for enthusiasts and professional photographers, this camera application you can find to capture the best raw photographs so that you can post-process them later and get stunning results. ! The only limitation is your imagination and creativity
Features: < / b>
  • All photographic parameters are adjustable and always at hand : exposure compensation, ISO , metering, focus, white balance and program mode
  • DSLR - like view finder : . see exposure time , aperture and stops display with EV and bracketing settings
  • full exposure bracketing : . . 3-7 frames, unlimited stops spacing , plus custom EV Shift
  • Built- meter interval : make beautiful timelapses (even brackets / HDR timelapses ) and time - controlled photo series
  • Programs and Speed - priority modes
  • support long exposure . . take beautiful night photos and light trails with long exposure times up to 60 seconds . *
  • JPEG and RAW (PNG) image formats for lossless photo capturing, perfect for post-processing.
  • support EXIF and XMP -metagegevens .
  • Self timer for delayed shooting .
  • Auto Focus, Macro , Touch -to -focus ** and infinity focus modes, plus a focus lock switch (AF - L) .
  • in the background photo developing and processing ensures smooth , uninterrupted operation of the camera. This camera application completely avoids scene modes, instead you get full manual control over all photographic parameters , just as you do with an SLR , so you can ultimately control every aspect of the image, and allows the post-processing on the computer. . So after your DSLR , you'll never miss a photo opportunity more , able to capture it with the closer sensation to your DSLR possible

    What's in this version: < / b> (Updated: December 17, 2014 )
    < ul style = " text- align: left ;">
  • Improved : now last used shutter speed is automatically selected when the shutter speed priority mode back of automatic
  • Improved : . . shutter speeds longer than 1/10 "not viewed with the real exposure to the viewfinder to improve app responsiveness when shooting at slow shutter speeds
  • Improved : animation shutter blades are now transparent, and not the viewfinder block
    Required Android O / S : 2.2

    Screenshots :

    Download : 2.8MB MOT
    Camera FV - 5 v2.33 APK
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